The Story About JCode Calculator™
Over the past 25 years, JCode Calculator™ has been used by public and private Health Plans, physician groups, individual physicians, and pharmacists. Our motivation is to provide the most complete information about Specialty Medications provided under both Pharmacy and Medical Benefits. This includes self-injectable specialty medications covered under Pharmacy Benefits and injectable medications administered in a clinical setting covered under Medical Benefits. JCode Calculator™ includes Medicare Part B medications including oral cancer medications, enteral feeding, HIV/AIDS medications and more.
JCode Calculator™ includes product information, pricing, package label diagnoses and dosages, utilization information, companion genomic testing, FDA alerts, and other valuable information. For those users requiring more diagnostic information there are also Compendia/Guidelines from national organizations for diagnostic criteria and treatment guidelines.
Information found in JCode Calculator™ is derived from national public resources as well as package inserts. Pricing is acquired from CMS and pharmacy wholesaler data among other sources. Companion Genomic testing information is drawn from literature sources. Alerts are taken from FDA and CDC releases. Compendia/Guidelines are taken from national organizations representing specific diseases, NCCN guidelines, NCI guidelines are prime examples. JCode Calculator™ is continually updated with the most current information.
JCode Calculator™ began as an Excel Spreadsheet and has now grown into the current cloud-based web format which contains searchable factors for evaluating and approving Specialty Medications.

About Our Company
Analytics at your FingertipsPro Pharma Pharmaceutical Consultants, Inc. (Pro Pharma) was established in 1985 as a Consulting and Analytics company. Our goal was, and still is, to assist in the design of Pharmacy Benefits, analyze utilization, and provide action plans for improvement based on client-specific data and information.
Our analytics are comprehensive in nature and encompass both Financial and Clinical findings and recommendations illustrated in a clear and concise manner. Based on years of experience, a Library of Custom-Client Analyses are available, and the option exists for all stakeholders to perform their own analytics for management and clinical oversight.